In The Last Crusade, Indiana Jones goes through the three stages of the traditional Medieval Knight's Quest. They are as follows.
The Mercenary Knight: A greedy, self-obsessed quest that cares little for the well being of the people and places they encounter. They simply want monetary gain. The first act of the film, the Young Indiana flashback, is reminiscent of the Mercenary Knight. Indiana is tirelessly searching for the Cross of Coronado. He abandons his scout troop and endangers the life of his friend, all for the "fortune and glory," or in this case the approval of his father. He risks his life being chased by the robbers, eventually having the cross taken back from him at his father's home, without his father's approval.
The Indentured Knight: The indentured knight serves a single person other than himself. They are indentured, or indebted, to seeking the target they are presented for the betterment of their surrounding society. Walter Donovan tips Indiana Jones about the location of the Holy Grail and quite possibly the location of Indiana's father, Henry. Indiana Jones accepts this quest, knowing that he may finally achieve his father's approval, but also aiding Walter Donovan's museum.
The Aristocratic Knight: The Aristocratic Knight already has all the treasure he needs. For Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana assumes this identity as his relationship with his father continues to mend. They see within each other all the pain that has been brought out over the years, and Indiana realizes that he does not truly desire the Holy Grail. They let the Grail remain in the temple where they find it, and ride off into the sunset together bearing the real treasure, the paternal love.
You have all the elements, and you define each, but you do not really discuss the purpose of the knights journey.