Thursday, February 3, 2011

Henry Last Crusade Blog

Indiana Jones has been through a lot and we have seen that he not not have the easiest job. Especially since people are constantly trying to kill him, but lets face it, he has to love the chase. if not he would not have come this far. first and foremost, he is a mercenary knight and his aligence belongs to the highest bidder. Yet, we saw in Temple of Doom that his aligence involved the village and thier value. In The Last Cruasde Indy goes through three different stages on his quest for the Grail. First, on his knight's journey he is a mercenary knight. In the scene where he finally recovers the crusifics from the guy in white coat his aligence belongs to his boss. He puts his life on the line to get this rare artifact. He finally besomes a Grail quest knigh when he ans his father came to a cross roads between Berlin and Venice. I believe he sought the secrets of reaching the Grail at this moment rather then simply going off instinct once he finally reached the cave. From this moment on he started to believe and understand that its not all about glory, unless its glory to the highter power. These stages are critiqued because they add up to the Indiana that ultimately lets the Grail go at the end.

1 comment:

  1. Shantra, remember to put your last name in the title of your blog. You need to develop this blog more fully and answer the question. The film shows Indy in all three stages of knighthood. What scenes show each phase?
