Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bauer: Blade Runner

There is a lot of symbolism present in the final scene of Blade Runner with Roy Batty. The first thing that Roy does that is interesting is that he saves Deckard from falling after chasing him all over the building trying to kill him. I think that Roy does this because in his final moments, he sees that he and Deckard are not too different from each other. I think that he realizes how precious life is and that if he truly does cherish. When he first grabs Deckard he says “Ah, kinship.” We can see here that he recognizes the two of them share some sort of bond. Although it is constantly unclear what is replicant and what is not, Roy realizes that these things do not really matter. He goes on to say that he has seen incredible things and with his last breath, that these things “will be lost in time like tears in rain.” Roy seems to show here that being a part of humanity is experiencing things that will never be known when you die. He saves Deckard because he realizes being a part of humaity means protecting the memories and ideas of other humans.

The dove that flys into the sky from Roys hands is a symbol of his pure soul leaving him. By the end of the movie Roy understands what it means to be human and that he is human because he chose to save Deckard. He has memories, emotions and can choose what his actions are. He is fully human and the dove shows that he had a human soul. The white dove shows that he was purely human despite the fact that he was created by man.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure what happened to your picture. A good point about the ambiguity of the definition of human and replicant. Unless we were told the four were replicants, there would be nothing to let us know.
    Batty is, indeed, more human than human, given the humans in the film.
