Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cutler: Temple of Doom

In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the scene on the rope bridge is both an apotheosis for Indiana Jones and an initiation into a higher form of behavior. Before the bridge scene, Indiana was just in it for money and glory, living up to his categorization of the mercenary knight. However, on the bridge, he lets go of his opinion that the stone was just a ghost story. When he is stuck on the bridge with Short Round and the stones after escaping the Temple of Doom, his enemies have him surrounded. He decides to cut the bridge, sending the other men into their watery grave, and saving himself, Short Round and Willie. It seemed like a crazy action as he said "prepare to meet Kali in HELL!" but he did it when he realizes he can't act like a mercenary hero anymore.
He used the powers of the stones to go through an apotheosis into a higher form of behavior, both literally and religiously. The stones were a religion for the people of the village and he used them to connect with a higher being to save the stones and kill the antagonists. He also went through an initiation into a higher form of behavior because he no longer acted selfishly and for the fortune and the glory, but rather for the sake of the village and Willie.
When the climatic rope bridge scene ends, we see Indy in an entirely new way. He no longer wants money, but uses his skills as an archeologist in a good way to better more people.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, but remember, in Raiders the first long scene shows he is still a bit of a mercenary knight.'
